Raintech Irrigation gives back to the community!
It is very important for us to show our appreciation and say thank you by giving back to organizations in need. As a local business, Raintech Irrigation is proud to support local community initiatives. We will donate money, food or items that are greatly needed.
Please help us support the charities that are important to us by contacting info@raintech.ca

About Children’s Cottage Society
Our Vision:
Safe Children in Healthy Families
Our Mission:
Preventing harm and neglect to all children and building strong families through support services, respite programs and crisis nurseries.
Children’s Cottage Society is a recognized leader in providing effective programs and services to help ensure Safe Children in Healthy Families.
Every day, many Alberta families and their children experience challenge because of life circumstances. They face the stresses of low income, mental or physical health issues, the circumstance of single parenting, or the realities of being a member of a marginalized social group. As well, parents may be new to the city – isolated and without connections to extended family or other support. 40% of our families are parenting alone. Some are young moms struggling with postpartum depression or a fussy baby. Many that we serve are living in poverty. More than half of the families we serve live on less than $1,000 per month and close to 90% are on social assistance. Many are struggling to secure housing. Our families come from diverse cultural and socioeconomic populations. 35% of families who access the Nursery identify themselves as First Nations.

About Project Warmth Society of Alberta
Project Warmth Society of Alberta is a multiple award-winning registered charitable organization that provides warm clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, outerwear, and related items to the underprivileged and homeless. As well, Project Warmth is involved with school children and other organizations, under its umbrella.
organizations Kids’ Koats, Pupils’ Parkas, Students’ Scarves and Jacket Racket. Project Warmth was founded in 1996 by local Lawyer and Philanthropist, Gordon J. Hoffman and since then has given away over a million items of warm clothing, outerwear, blankets and sleeping bags to the underprivileged and homeless. Project Warmth has also held an annual “Christmas Carol” fundraising gala for 21 years, wherein they have bussed in 400 to 450 underprivileged children and their families to enjoy a special evening of Live Theatre, a hot and cold buffet, a visit with Santa and a walk through Candy Lane where they fill up their bags with as much candy & treats as they can carry to take home and enjoy.
Over half the homeless in Alberta live in Calgary and many in Calgary are living only a couple of hundred dollars a month away from being on the streets themselves. For many the cost of purchasing warm clothing, blankets, etc. to help survive our harsh Calgary winters can be overwhelming and may mean giving up food or paying the rent for the month. Our goal is simply to help keep those struggling Albertans stay warm and help them survive our winters.
Used and new warm clothing, etc. are collected year-round at all Calgary fire stations and drop off bins throughout the city and are then redistributed among those in need, but often, we will get requests for something (i.e. a specific size jacket) that we do not have and then we purchase the items to supply that individuals need.
Project Warmth also fills the closets of numerous charities and shelters throughout the City of Calgary, so when someone in need, shows up at their door, they can immediately supply them with some warm clothing.

About Varsity Community Calgary
Varsity Community Garden News:
Raintech Irrigation Ltd. to Donate Labour and Materials for VCG’s Irrigation System
Raintech, the irrigation contractor, in consultation with the VCG Executives and the VCA Management, agreed to implement a design that involves above- and belowground plumbing and up to seven faucets strategically located throughout the garden.
The new system of multiple faucets will reduce the reliance on the existing rain barrels and unwieldy hoses. Gardeners will be able to use shorter hoses and watering pails.
Thank you to Raintech Irrigation Ltd. for its generous donation and community service.

About S.T.A.N.D. ASA
The S.T.A.N.D. ASA is a grass roots non profit organization that focuses on;
Preventing sexual assault through education and community awareness.
Providing peer support to survivors of sexual assault.
Promoting physical, mental and emotional well-being through holistic healing practices.
S.T.A.N.D. ASA envisions a world free from victim shaming in which survivors can raise their voices and unite. A world where there is no stigma attached to sexual assault.

About Poet Tree Legacy Garden at Bow Valley Ranche
The Bow Valley Ranche restoration brings together recreational space, interpretive walks, entertainment areas and education stewardship opportunities for students, the community and general public, honoring our heritage and culture.
A 20-foot hand carved Poet Tree dominates the native gardens where it stands. Carved by Doug Levitt, this unique structure features an open book at the top, with spines of books working their way towards a small book exchange library located at its base. Custom wood benches sculpted with live edge backs create a seating space of quality and beauty.
The Poet Tree Legacy Garden space was envisioned by Larry Wasyliw as a wonderful outdoor classroom and teaching facility where literary creative writing and academic programs can take place. It encourages people to connect and find meaning in our experiences. The Poet Tree Legacy Garden encourages a natural curiosity. It creates enchantment and wonder. It encourages imagining new worlds and experiences.
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